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What I hate in the crypto market? - Why I bought Shiba Inu?

 In the previous post I shared with you what kind of crypto coins I own. Now let's move to the other part of this explanation. Why I decided to buy them. Today I'll talk about Shiba Inu and about the strange situation, that literally I hated to buy it. Let's talk first about the reason.

...because what I really hate in crypto market is the meme coin part. Based on my view cryptocurrencies and especially blockchain is the future of our life. Not only on the financial market but on more and more field of our life. This is a serious world and I think there is no part of big jokes, and shit coins in it.

I mean of course not 100% percent of the crypto market needs to be serious. We can make jokes, and also there is a place for speculation, but if we do not separate it from the main market we create joke from the whole market, and new people can not take it seriously.

If you check the main page of CoinMarketCap and highlight what can you see?

This picture was taken on 03.01.2022. from the main page. MetaPets? Mars Inu? Baby Tiger King? Son of Doge v2? Really? These are the coins what we need?

Unfortunately most of these coins created just for the owners. They start a joke project on 0.000000001 USD and if there are enough "investor" who buy it than owners can 100000x their investment in seconds and than leave the project.

Strange that two of these coins could jump to the top10 cryptos. Doge Coin and Shiba Inu are joke coins. I think that these cryptocurrencies shold be not appear on the same page with ETH, ADA or any other cryptos where the usage is the main goal.

Even if I hate it a very little part of my portfolio is from Shiba. I bought a minimal amount to keep it, stake it, and if the market will push it up to the sky I'll quit. That is the reason I bought it. Simple speculation as I can stake this coin and based on the price it can grow. But in the meantime I really think that these coins should have a separated subpage on CoinMarketCap also and all of the meme coins should be separated from main cryptos.
