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Showing posts with the label success crypto investing

Crypto portfolio building: Accept your decision and be a successful crypto investor

Everybody dream about a profitable investment or especially crypto portfolio. I think even now the crypto market starts to be "old" lot of people joins when they hear about 1000% or even more profits. In real life to have this kind of result you need incredible luck and also patience... and lot of money. I worked on the investment (especially FOREX) market for more then 10 years and I saw a lot of money burning techniques. So why we are here for today? - To see what we need to avoid in the a future and what to do. Let's make a 5 point list for both sides. I hope it will help you, and before I start it please let me highlight that it is not an advice, just my opinion based on what I learned during the past 10 years. What do you need to avoid not to lose money if you build up a crypto portfolio: Safety first: Possibly for most of you it is a basic thing but I need to highlight. I still see that people who first read or hear about crypto market wants to be rich immediately....